Split Infinitive Trust: Frequently Asked Questions
Please note, at the current time the Trust's efforts are focused on supporting individual students and that the Trust is no longer accepting repeat applications nor applications from organisations due to a strictly limited budget.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long will it take for Split to acknowledge my application?

For emails, usually within a week; we don’t operate on 9 to 5 office hours but emails are checked regularly. Postal applications can take a little longer to reach us but we tend to reply by email for speed.

If you have had no response within ten working days, do check your junk / spam filters, and if there is nothing apparent it may be worth contacting us again.

When is the next deadline for application?
The next deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon, Monday 17 March 2025.

How long will it take to hear about my grant?
It depends on when you apply; meetings to discuss grants are normally held every three months, usually in March, June, September and December, but this can vary and is at the discretion of the trustees. Communications to applicants are made soon after any meeting.

What if the project or course I received my grant for changes?
You should notify the Trust straight away of any changes to the terms of the course or project for which you originally applied, whether that is before a grant has been made or afterwards. The trustees may ask for the grant to be returned; if the change involves re-consideration you may have to re-apply or provide further information.

What if I’ve been told I have been awarded a grant but the funds have not appeared in my account?
The funds will normally be deposited within two weeks of you being notified. If they do not appear after this time please contact the Trust immediately, and double check and confirm that the bank account details you supplied to us were correct.

What can I do to try and ensure my application is a success?
Check that you do meet the criteria for the Trust to consider your application; if you are unsure, an email to enquire before you apply is worthwhile.

Fill in the form correctly and include any specified additional information, including a proof of study and a cover letter. Be clear and concise but do add anything which you think is relevant.

Please note, due to an increase in incomplete applications, the Trust will now automatically decline any application form which does not have
all its fields completed.

It is worth noting that at the current time, the Trust's efforts are focused on supporting individual students.

What will the Trust require from me afterwards if I am successful?
As most grants awarded are fairly small, we do not generally stipulate that applicants must send an evaluation; however, a brief update on the project or how your course has gone is welcomed.

Can I re-apply if I have been declined before?
Yes, providing your application purpose has changed and fits the criteria.

Can I re-apply if I have received a grant before?
Unfortunately, we do now not accept new or repeat applications from previously successful applicants.

Can I acknowledge the Trust in programmes, etc?
The Trust prefers not to be acknowledged, simply because it already receives more applications than it can always fund, and is not seeking publicity.

However, the trustees accept it can be useful in some cases to highlight that support has been received; preferably you can state ‘a grant from an anonymous source’ but if this will not suffice then it is permissible to use the Trust’s name. It is fine to mention the Trust’s support in any other grant applications you might make, if necessary.

But, if possible, please respect the Trust's preference to not receive acknowledgment or publicity.

What if I have a complaint?
Written complaints may be sent to: The Administrator, Split Infinitive Trust, PO Box 409, Scarborough YO11 9AJ or by e-mail to: splitinfin@haydonning.co.uk.

Verbal complaints may be made by phone, but please write or email in the first instance detailing your phone number and that you wish to be called regarding a complaint issue. Someone will call you back as soon as possible.

Why can’t I phone the Trust if I have a question or complaint?
The Trust does not have full-time staff or a permanent office for a phone line to connect to. Email or post is therefore the easiest route for communication.

What is Split Infinitive's privacy policy with regard to data held by the company?
The privacy policy for Split Infinitive can be found on this page.

Split Infinitive Trust.
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No: 5392995.
Registered Office: Hanover House, 14 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HP.
Registered Charity No: 1110380

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